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Sport Court game courts are custom-designed to fit not only the available space in your yard, but your family’s lifestyle, interests, and sports activities. So the answer is—we can build a court of almost any size or configuration, and our network of court builders is the world’s largest and most experienced, with over 100,000 projects completed. Why would you trust anyone else to build your family’s dream court?

Depending on the size and scope of your court, your Sport Court representative can have you ‘ready to play’ in a matter of days. Of course, site preparation, concrete placement, and busy schedules—both for your court builder and your family—can require a little more time and planning. On average, count on about 4 – 6 weeks from the first time you meet with your Dealer until you’re shooting hoops or playing tennis with your kids.

Sport Court game courts feature the widest variety and highest quality of components, accessories and equipment. Depending on your family’s interests, these could include our SlamSystem hoops packages, with professional-style tempered glass backboards, lighting systems for night-time play, nets and racquets for tennis, badminton and other sports—virtually everything you would need for years of enjoyment and time together on your court.

We hope you will! Sport Court game courts offer an almost unlimited number of color options and combinations. Whether it’s your school colors, or just a scheme that will fit your house, yard, or neighborhood, you set the design, and we build the court!

Check out our photo galleries for ideas—we’ve done literally tens of thousands of courts, and you can either choose from one of the beautiful designs we’ve done, or sit down and create your own unique look with your Dealer. And for a truly professional finish, we can create special logos of your alma mater, favorite team, or family crest, right on the surface of your court. There will be no question whose court your friends and neighbors are playing on!

Nothing simpler! Since Sport Court game courts are constructed of durable polypropylene modules, the chance of any damage is slim, but in the event one or two modules need to be replaced, your court builder can quickly and easily fix the problem.

We’ve built small ‘shooting courts’ for as little as $10,000 and multi-sport backyard complexes that might reach six figures. The point is that we can build what you want. Our local CourtBuilders can guide your design to include the features you want most within your budget, so you’ll get the court that is right for you and right for your budget.

Maintenance and care of your Sport Court game court is simple. A broom, blower, or hose can be used to keep the top surface free of debris, and since water drains quickly through the open grid, your court is ready for play soon after cleaning or inclement weather. We recommend that you have your Sport Court Dealer conduct an annual inspection and cleaning, check and greases components, replace nets and balls if necessary, and power-wash the sub-surface.

Sport Court has been building quality game courts and backyard recreational facilities since 1974. No other company has done it longer, or built more courts—we are the World’s Largest Courtbuilder—and that expertise and experience ensures that your court will be built with the skill and care it deserves.

Many of us grew up playing on a backyard concrete or asphalt slab—and some of us have the scars to prove it! The bottom line here is the safety of your children, and there is no outdoor sports surface that delivers a better combination of shock absorption (protection from injury), ball response, traction and playability than our PowerGame outdoor modular flooring. There are other choices available, but why would you trust the safety of your children to an inferior surface?

With almost any purchase you make, you have choices and alternatives, and there are a few other companies who build outdoor courts. Most of them claim to be ‘just as good as Sport Court’ and some will sell inferior products at lower prices. Sport Court is the original brand, with the world’s largest network of experienced courtbuilders. A game court is an important investment in your family’s health and togetherness—does it make sense to invest in something less than the best for your family?

Sport Court game courts are constructed of the highest-quality and most durable materials. Your Sport Court surfacing is covered by a 15-year limited warranty, and we expect it to deliver at least that many years of playability and fun for your family.

Almost any surface—whether grass, artificial turf, or even concrete or asphalt—can be slippery when wet. We don’t recommend active play on any wet surface, until the athlete has had the opportunity to test the surface and adjust his or her play accordingly. Fortunately, Sport Court’s open-grid design sheds water quickly, making it possible to return to action much sooner than with other surfaces, once the weather subsides.

In some communities, you may be required to get certain permits before building your backyard game court. Your Sport Court Dealer may have experience in working with your municipality or neighborhood, and can help you navigate the required regulations. There may be some restrictions on size, proximity to your property line, drainage, fencing, or lights, but you and your Dealer can work together to manage those requirements.

At Sport Court, every court we build is custom-designed and installed for you. There are many variables that we must identify when building your court, some projects require excavation or backfill, some communities require special permits and some places need a retaining wall to secure the court. On our local Court Builder’s initial site visit will show us what unique features your backyard may have and help us identify exactly what’s important to you and your family, so we can build the court that fits your needs.


Unlike many other indoor flooring systems, Sport Court sports surfaces perform in a wide variety of climate conditions. Extremes of humidity, cold and heat generally present no problem to the playability and endurance of our sports floors, making Sport Court a great alternative to wood and other sports floors.

Sport Court modular flooring provides durability and multi-sport playability at an affordable price. Sport Court is typically less expensive than even basic suspended wood systems, and competes well against most other synthetic alternatives. From a life-cycle cost perspective, low maintenance costs and long-term durability make Sport Court the smart budget choice.

Unlike wood and most synthetic floors, Sport Court’s modular systems are virtually unaffected by water, whether in vapor form emitting from concrete slabs or sub-surface, or even (in most circumstances) in case of flood or submersion. Many Sport Court floors have been used to retrofit other systems damaged by flooding (and where the possibility of future floods exist). The polypropylene used in our modules is impervious to water damage.

No. Sport Court products meet all safety standards and contain no hazardous chemicals. Some paint and coatings require ventilation during application, but leave no harmful residues or compounds behind. In fact, Sport Court is the only ISO 14001 sports flooring manufacture in the United States—the international standard for environmental controls.

Sport Court modular sports floors can be produced in almost any color you desire. In addition to our standard palette of over 20 stock colors, we can also design to your color specifications, to match school or other desired color schemes. In addition, we can create unique logos and other designs to personalize your floor, or utilize different-colored sections to help you establish your activity schemes and teaching curriculum.

There are many available options when it comes to indoor flooring, but few offer the versatility and multi-purpose applications of Sport Court. We have a few competitors in the modular field, but the most they can claim is that ‘they’re like Sport Court’—no one else has the history of pioneering and creating unique, playable, and safe surfaces for sports. And compared to wood and other synthetic sports floors, no other product delivers more for less, or can be used in as wide a variety of applications.

Whether for new construction of retrofit, Sport Court flooring can typically be installed, striped, and ready for play in less than a week.

Sport Court modular sports floors are covered by a 15-year limited warranty, and we expect them to deliver playability, safety and durability for at least that long.

Sport Court modular floors are among the safest in the world. Our patented Lateral Forgiveness™ provides protection against the stresses on limbs and joints, and we can adjust the shock absorption values to almost any level desired.

Ball response is one of the performance characteristics governed and measured in the DIN standards, which are the acknowledged metrics for basketball floors. DIN-certified basketball floors must deliver at least 90% ball response, and Sport Court modular surfaces typically range between 93% - 100% ball response values.

Sport Court modular surfaces are easily and inexpensively maintained compared to most other sports surfaces. Regular dust-mopping, and intermittent deeper cleaning with a mop or auto-scrubber are typically all that is required. Our High-Gloss™ floors, with a durable polyurethane coating, can be field-maintained every three years by your Sport Court Dealer, typically requiring one day of application and 3 – 4 days before active play.

Most sports surfaces have limitations. Wood floors require costly field renovation and maintenance at least annually and can be easily damaged by water. Most synthetic surfaces must be glued down and can delaminate or be affected by ground water or vapor emission. Sport Court modular surfaces can be used for almost any activity, in almost any type of facility, whether climate-controlled or not. They are durable and resistant to damage, but their modular nature makes repairs simple and quick when necessary. For facilities watching their maintenance budgets, Sport Court provides a safe and playable surface with some of the lowest life-cycle costs in the industry.

Sport Court was the pioneer in the industry of modular sports flooring, with nearly 40 years of experience. Some companies with injection-molding capabilities have jumped into the business, thinking that they only need to copy a basic module design to create a sports floor. However, not only do they lack our manufacturing expertise and discipline—Sport Court is the only ISO-certified modular surface manufacturer in the world—most of them fail to understand even the most basic concepts of safety, performance design, and applicability for sports. They can make plastic tiles, but the creation of a safe, durable performance floor is beyond their capability. As with most products, you get what you pay for.


  • NCAA
  • USAV
  • VC
  • FIVB
  • ITF
  • AFC
  • US Soccer Foundation
  • USTA
  • NBA Jam Session
  • FIBA